Corporate Improv Programs

Improv presents an ideal framework for fostering creative collaboration. By harnessing the immense creativity and innovation potential of small teams, departments, and entire organizations, we can unlock remarkable outcomes. Engaging in improv equips you with potent communication tools. We can provide effective methodologies for crafting compelling stories, narratives, and dialogue communication that has the ability to inspire team members and captivate customers. The principles and skills of applied improvisation are identifiable, learnable, and repeatable. Spontaneous Mind and Workprov™ will create a skill based training experience fully customized for your organization. Experience the Evolution of your workplace with Workprov™: Discover Three Evolutionary programs created to allow your business to set the pace for the everchanging business landscape! Spontaneous Mind improv is offering, Workprov™, applied improv for business. In short, work as it was meant to be. Our staff melds real-world business experience with innovative improv techniques, we have created three distinct programs based on the current business reality and directed at your current business needs.

Our Programs

Unlock the potential of your team with one of our corporate programs. Our tailored improv workshops are designed to enhance collaboration, creativity, and communication within your organization. By embracing the principles of improv, your employees will learn to think on their feet, listen actively, and support each other in dynamic and innovative ways. Discover how "Yes And ..." can transform your workplace into a thriving environment of teamwork and mutual growth.

Unlock the potential of your team with one of our corporate programs. Our tailored improv workshops are designed to enhance collaboration, creativity, and communication within your organization. By embracing the principles of improv, your employees will learn to think on their feet, listen actively, and support each other in dynamic and innovative ways. Discover how "Yes And ..." can transform your workplace into a thriving environment of teamwork and mutual growth.

Program 1:

Virtual Team Building-Employee Training

  • Make your team a more cohesive unit.

  • Enhance communication skills and master conflict resolution.

  • Team bonding and building trust.

  • Enhance creativity and Innovation.

  • Improve adaptability.

Four hour minimum

10 or less employees— 4 hour or 8 hour

10-50 employees- 4 hour or 8 hour

More than 50 employees-4 hour or 8 hour

Price quote will be exclusive lodging, travel and venue expenses

Program 2:

Virtual Team Building-Employee Training

  • Make your team a more cohesive unit.

  • Enhance communication skills and master conflict resolution.

  • Team bonding and building trust.

  • Enhance creativity and Innovation.

  • Improve adaptability.

Four hour minimum

10 or less employees-4 hour or 8 hour

10-50 employees-4 hour or 8 hour

More than 50 employees-4 hour or 8 hour

Price quote will be exclusive lodging, travel and venue expenses

Program 3:

Leadership/Management Training

  • Effective communication strategies.

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Strategic Thinking

  • Adaptability and Resilience

  • Empowering and developing teams

Four hour minimum

10 or less employees-$4500 (4 hour), $8100 (8 hour)

10-50 employees-$5500 (4 hour), $9900 (8 hour)

More than 50 employees-$7000 (4 hour), $12, 600 (8 hour)

Price quote will be exclusive lodging, travel and venue expenses

Virtual options-pricing available

Program 4:

Train the Trainer

  • Assessment and goal setting

  • Customized training plans

  • Theory and Principles

  • Skill development exercises

  • Feedback and Reflection

  • Practical Application

  • Continued Support and Development

One-on-one or small group training

(Includes ongoing support via office hours)

Price quote will be exclusive lodging, travel and venue expenses

Virtual options-pricing available

Communicate, Connect, and Innovate with your colleagues in new ways.

You and your team will learn how applied improv creates a new shared language. These foundational improv tools help build communication trust, promote collaboration, and ignite creative innovation in a safe and supportive atmosphere.